Saturday, April 18, 2009

Still Snowing

This is our third day of snow. We have over two feet and are expecting 5 to 10 more inches today. The good news is that this is the wettest snow we have had all year, perfect for making snowmen. The bad news is that this is the wettest snow, which means the trees are breaking under the weight and shoveling out will be a long and difficult task. In the meantime we are enjoying being snowed in with Michael's cousins Keith, Amy, and baby Luke. We are keeping a fire in the fireplace, reading books, and watching movies.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thunder Snow

Spring weather in Colorado continues to amaze us. After many glorious days of record breaking high temperatures in the 70's, March finally turned cruel dumping almost two feet of snow last week. That was followed by thunder snow, similar to a thunder storm except with snow and ice. This morning Clementine and shoveled and scraped the three inches of snow and ice off the front steps. Luckily, the sun was back out and we did not even have to wear our coats. More snow is expected this weekend. This photo was taken on one of the last nice days. Clementine and I found this beautiful tumble weed at the park near our house.

Clementine Sayings

One of the most charming things about Clementine is that she has a very sly sense of humor. She loves to make plays on words. I only wish I could remember all of them. On one of our recent trips to the grocery store, I told her that the next thing on our list was butter. She smiles at me and says, "Well, you butter get it." We also recently saw a display of Easter items at the store and I was explaining to her that the Easter Bunny was coming and would bring treats. She was very excited and said, "He lives in the East." Now, whenever we talk about the Easter Bunny or directions she always mentions that the bunny lives in the East.